Friday, January 15, 2021

Day 304 of the Pandemic

Now over nine months into the Covid-19 Pandemic and we are all wondering will this ever end. Back in March it was once the temperature warms up things will get better. The spread of the virus will slow. Instead it seems to increased. Is it due to more people getting out and ignoring the social distancing requests. In August Florida had over 526,000 cases and Pinellas County was at almost 18,000. Daily positive cases peaked at 869 in the county just after Christmas. Yet the county deaths by week peaked in July with 89. Today, January 15, 2021 in Pinellas County had 51,000 cases with 1,500 deaths. The state of Florida has had 1.5 million cases and 23,000 deaths. In comparison in 2019 the state of Florida had 2,703 deaths from the flu. 

Brian and I are still doing our same thing. Mostly staying home. We do go out and see some family and we may go out to eat once a week. Other than going to the Historical Society I am home. It is boring and at first I would find small projects or even work a puzzle. Now the puzzle just sits on the dining room table and it is read or watch TV.  I am still working from home with no mention of going back. I have adjusted more. I walk every morning before work about a half a mile. This time of year it is still dark at 6:20 so I have a street that is well lit near the house that I walk and I feel safe. I have started carrying my phone because I have had a few times where I was startled by someone's approach. For the most part most days are quiet and I see no one. Brian works retail and heads out everyday mask in hand. He wears his mask all day and comes home hopefully only carrying the smells of the dogs that visit his store and not a virus. Neither of us have been sick. We of course know people that have but none we have been in recent contact with.

Testing is a funny thing. Some people want to know they have it and others don't. I see both sides. Why know? Knowing certainly will not make you get better and taking care of yourself is really all you can do either way and limit your contact with others. It is the people that are sick weather or not tested and still continue to go out and live as though they are well. They just perpetuate the spread. 

As for restrictions I could only find in the US California and Ohio have nightly curfews but in Europe that is different some countries like Norway and Sweden have no curfew or lockdown but in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales all have restrictions and can only leave the house for essentials like grocery's and medical visits. Poland has closed shopping malls and hotels but you can still get your hair cut but restaurants can only do take out. And some countries like Austria are on their 3rd lockdown. Just for comparison Austria has a population of 8.8 million people with a total case rate of 389,000 to date and 6,300 deaths. Where Florida's population is 21 million and 23,000 deaths. I am sure statistical data people are busy bees with all the data and percentages of these people have got it and these have died. They don't really share recovery statistics. I am not really sure why.

Now we have just started vaccinating people for the virus. There are again two sides to the coin. Should I be vaccinated with this vaccine that hasn't had proper testing. Down the road is it going to cause other troubles. Do I not get the vaccine like the Flu vaccine I never have gotten? Just leaves me with more questions.

So amongst all this Pandemic talk the country had an election. Joe Biden the President elect and Donald Trump until the riot action at the Capitol building in Washington DC was still insisting there was cheating and he won. He has now conceded. I have so many thoughts on all of this but will leave them for another time. People are so polarized it makes me at times put down my phone and stop looking at social media and I hardly ever watch TV news before all of this it is less now.

Like I said earlier I walk every morning. When I get home I write for a few minutes about what I see on my walk. Some mornings in the summer I would describe the sunrise or now I describe the temperature and the stars that are visible and the position and phases of the moon. I am just doing what I can to keep active in this time when the rules want everyone to sit still and wait this thing out. Just not sure that will help us in the end either.