Saturday, March 12, 2022

Day 725 of the Pandemic

 In five days it will be the two year anniversary of this whole Covid-19 mess starting. I have rode the roller coaster of emotions and worry. I have even now been directly exposed.

Last month on my day off I started to feel sick. A slight temperature and my sinuses were draining causing me to cough. I stayed at home and by Monday I felt better and went back to work. But that wasn't the end. Tuesday my husband Brian stayed home and went and got tested for the Flu and Covid. The next day we find out he tested positive for Covid. I called work that evening because before logging in each day we need to do a health check. One of the questions has to do with spending more than 15 minutes with a person known to test positive. I called and let my supervisor know and had to notify our HR person. I was asked if I was fully vaccinated and said no and was told to take the next 10 days off. Did I have it and give it to Brian or not that I don't know. Most likely I brought it home since his contact with people is much less than my own and there was a person the week before that came to work everyday coughing and then was out the week I went back. I was never tested. Brian and I both stayed at home for the 10 days the only place I went was to the grocery store. We had a vacation weekend planned we didn't take. I had a funeral to attend I didn't go. Not because we didn't want to do these things but for the sake of all the others attending both events.

As of Monday we have been told we no longer have to wear masks if we aren't vaccinated and we will no longer have to do the health check. I know quite a few people that work for other companies have said the same thing. Even the grocery stores have stopped making it mandatory for the employees. As a rule Brian and I do wear masks when we go out and will probably continue to do so for a while. We still don't venture out a lot and most places we try to keep our distance from others. 

On February 15, the day Brian was tested the CDC website shows for Pinellas County a 7 day average of  702 new cases and now almost a month later Pinellas County 7 day average is 732 new cases. Down to 42 deaths and 101 new hospitalizations of confirmed cases and 66% of the residents over the age of 5 are vaccinated. The state of Florida shows 5.8 million cases and almost 72,000 deaths and the US statistics show a total of over 79 million cases and over 963,000 deaths.

As far as I can tell the world is going to go on I know there are people that haven't and will not do anything different as they did before this whole thing started. Others have altered their life so much they will never get back to where they were before even if they wanted to. This is the last entry I will have before the publishing of the Dawn of the Pandemic. 

I am still trying to figure out the moral of this story. Will it be another 100 years before the next pandemic or will it be sooner? Did we learn anything from all of this? I hope that before I finish editing the book I have an answer. 

Stay safe. I guess we can still say that. 

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